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*Office of the [[Joint Chiefs of Staff]] Identification Badge
*Office of the [[Joint Chiefs of Staff]] Identification Badge
*Presidential Service Badge
*Presidential Service Badge
*[[Presidential Medal of Honor]] (earned in his civilian career post-military)
*[[Presidential Medal of Honor|Congressional Medal of Honor]] (earned in his civilian career post-military)
====Foreign Awards====
====Foreign Awards====
*Legion of Honor, Komandante Degree (Philippines)
*Legion of Honor, Komandante Degree (Philippines)
*Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation
*Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation
==Civilian Career (Post-Military) ==
[[File:Body (2).png|thumb|199x199px|Lord Turnet in his Vinish National Red Cross Executive Officer uniform]]
Around the end of 2018, December 17, 2018, Admiral of the Navy Noah S. Turnet stepped down from office and his position. During this transition, the [[Secretary of Defense]] was left to find a person who could fit the "big shoes" that Lord Turnet left for his successor.
A few months prior his retirement, Turnet founded the [[Vinish National Red Cross]] (VNRC) and became its very first President and [[Chief Executive Officer]] (CEO). With this creation of another historic and memorable organization, Lord Turnet would want to present the nation with a possibility of unity and wants to stay connected with his military life.
==== Medal of Freedom Recipient ====
On February 19, 2019, durign a press conference with President Wellington, without any prior knowledge, President Wellington invited Lord Turnet to the stage. To his surprise, he was commended for his actions before and after his military service with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The remarks reads as:<blockquote>THE PRESIDENT: We the People doing what we can to ensure the idea of Vindex, the cause of freedom, shines like the sun to light up the future of the world.
That’s the sound of our nation, and that’s who we are as Vinish citizens. And that’s what we see in the extraordinary — extraordinary group of Vinish citizens up here on this stage that I have the honor to recognize today with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian award. (Applause.)
It is my great honor to present you with a small token of our appreciation. And now I’m going to ask the Military Aide to read the citation as we present the medal. (Applause.)
MILITARY AIDE: Presidential Medal of Freedom citations:
''Lord Noah Straton Turnet. Overcoming great odds, Lord Turnet is the most decorated Vinish citizen in history who broke barriers and left an indelible mark on the world as the founder of the Vinish Department of the Navy and the Vinish National Red Cross. His work extends into his various businesses as it supports the local community in spirit, moral, and sense of belonging. Leaning on faith in God and dedication to country, Lord Turnet is an inspiring symbol of strength, dedication, and pride. With unwavering leadership and continued engagement with the local and international community, he continues his pursuit to fairness and dignity for all people.''
THE PRESIDENT: I think this goes very well with your various medals on your suit. (Laughter.)
(The medal is presented.) (Applause.)</blockquote>
====Medal of Honor Recipient====
====Medal of Honor Recipient====
[[File:Medal-of-Honor.jpg|thumb|192x192px|The Presidential Medal of Honor presented to Lord Turnet by President Wellington]]
[[File:Medal-of-Honor.jpg|thumb|192x192px|The Presidential Medal of Honor presented to Lord Turnet by President Wellington]]
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Lord Turnet, although, was overwhelmed as he was not expecting such appreciation for his contributions and almost broke down on stage as President Wellington strapped the Medal of Honor on Lord Turnet. The crowd then chanted his name as he stood on the stage for photos with his fellow recipients and the President and had a single photo shot of the President and himself with an appreciation for what he has done and what his country has done for him.
Lord Turnet, although, was overwhelmed as he was not expecting such appreciation for his contributions and almost broke down on stage as President Wellington strapped the Medal of Honor on Lord Turnet. The crowd then chanted his name as he stood on the stage for photos with his fellow recipients and the President and had a single photo shot of the President and himself with an appreciation for what he has done and what his country has done for him.
==Civilian Career (Post-Military) ==
The remarks reads as:<blockquote>THE PRESIDENT: While today we honor eight outstanding service members whose actions embodied the highest ideals of selfless service, we also remember the high price our military members and their families are willing to pay on behalf of our nation.
[[File:Body (2).png|thumb|199x199px|Lord Turnet in his Vinish National Red Cross Executive Officer uniform]]
We remember the strength and the sacrifices of these military families, caregivers, and survivors.
And we remember and renew our sacred obligation to those who serve this nation in uniform.  As a nation, we have many obligations to our family and those in need, but we have only one truly sacred obligation — sacred obligation — and that’s to properly prepare and equip those troops we send into harm’s way, to care for them and their families both while they’re deployed and when they return.  That commitment never expires.  And as Commander-in-Chief, I promise it’s a commitment that we will keep.
And now it’s my great honor to ask for Military Aide to read the citations and award the Medal of Honor to to these fine service members.
(The Medal of Honor is presented to the other eight service members.)
MILITARY AIDE: Admiral Lord Noah S. Turnet
''Attention to orders. The President of the Vindex Nation, authorized by an Act of Congress, has awarded in the name of Congress the Medal of Honor to Admiral Lord Noah S. Turnet, Vinish Navy, for conspicuous gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.''
''Admiral Turnet, distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving as the commander 1st Vinish Naval Fleet during the war with the Kingdom of Wilden on July 26th, 2019 and while serving as the founder and the Admiral of the Navy  in the Vinish Naval Service since its inception.''
''For extraordinary works during his time as the Admiral of the Navy, now known as the Chief of Naval Operations, as attaining a six-star admiral rank, the first and only of its kind, Admiral Turnet has exemplified what being a true leader and mentor is. By providing advice both at a branch level and a national level, mentoring new sailors and civilian contractors, and providing text for formal policies to be enacted for both the Vinish Navy and the Department of Defense.''
''For his heroic work during the Battle of Wilden. By providing covering fire and maneuvering of the VS Cyclone into position for our troops and sailors to defend freedom at sea, he not only saved his crew but also potentially saved the State of San Amaro from inevitable invasion by the enemy power. He not only single-handedly blockade the route to the State and provide a platform for his men to defend, but he also provided the leadership needed during a time of unrest with a confident, determined attitude to commands and orders.''
''Admiral Turnet's extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his fleet, the Vinish Navy, and the Department of Defense.]''
''Signed Wallace Wellington, the President of Vindex Nation.''
(The Medal of Honor is presented.) (Applause.)
(A prayer is recited.)

THE PRESIDENT:  I think this is the end of my time on stage. (Laughter.) It is with great honor to be standing next to you all tonight. Thank you all so very much. (Applause.)</blockquote>
Around the end of 2018, December 17, 2018, Admiral of the Navy Noah S. Turnet stepped down from office and his position. During this transition, the [[Secretary of Defense]] was left to find a person who could fit the "big shoes" that Lord Turnet left for his successor.

A few months prior his retirement, Turnet founded the [[Vinish National Red Cross]] (VNRC) and became its very first President and [[Chief Executive Officer]] (CEO). With this creation of another historic and memorable organization, Lord Turnet would want to present the nation with a possibility of unity and wants to stay connected with his military life.
===Creation of the Vinish National Red Cross===
===Creation of the Vinish National Red Cross===
After Lord Turnet's retirement from the Vinish Navy, he wanted to still be connected with his military life. In this sense, Lord Turnet decided to take a turn and create the [[Vinish National Red Cross|Vinish Red Cross]] with the efforts of assisting the military with recruitment as well as to offer the servicemen and women assistance with transitioning from military to civilian life and offer the Vinish nation a disaster response and relief effort with this organization as well as the nation's pharmaceutical supplier for the nation's medical force.
After Lord Turnet's retirement from the Vinish Navy, he wanted to still be connected with his military life. In this sense, Lord Turnet decided to take a turn and create the [[Vinish National Red Cross|Vinish Red Cross]] with the efforts of assisting the military with recruitment as well as to offer the servicemen and women assistance with transitioning from military to civilian life and offer the Vinish nation a disaster response and relief effort with this organization as well as the nation's pharmaceutical supplier for the nation's medical force.

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