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==== Abolishment of Taxes ====
==== Abolishment of Taxes ====
In his day as acting President, Michael J. Barclay abolished all taxes by lowering them to 0. This was only a temporary move to see if it would work over the long term. Taxes have never been re-instated since and remain abolished. In his White House Announcement, Michael J. Barclay stated: "As my first act as the acting President of Vindex Nation, effective immediately there shall be a temporary abolishment of taxes (lowering them to 0) for this week. This is following the success of the Vindex Lotto, a lottery backed by the full faith of the Vindex Nation government, providing the Treasury with a very healthy profit in a matter of 30 minutes - profit that would take us much longer to raise through traditional taxes. We are looking into how sustainable such alternative sources of revenue are, and if so, a permanent abolishment of taxes will be on the table."
In his day as acting President, Michael J. Barclay abolished all taxes by lowering them to 0. This was only a temporary move to see if it would work over the long term. Taxes have never been re-instated since and remain abolished. In his White House Announcement, Michael J. Barclay stated: "As my first act as the acting President of Vindex Nation, effective immediately there shall be a temporary abolishment of taxes (lowering them to 0) for this week. This is following the success of the Vindex Lotto, a lottery backed by the full faith of the Vindex Nation government, providing the Treasury with a very healthy profit in a matter of 30 minutes - profit that would take us much longer to raise through traditional taxes. We are looking into how sustainable such alternative sources of revenue are, and if so, a permanent abolishment of taxes will be on the table."
== Candidacy in the June 2022 Presidential Election ==
[[File:Policies.png|thumb|Barclay-Stansworth 2022 Policies Poster.]]
=== Policy ===
Michael J. Barclay declared candidacy with his running mate, Minejak Stansworth, in the June 2022 Presidential Election. The following is a list of his policies which were listed on his Barclay-Stansworth 2022 Campaign Discord:
* '''Transparency and professionalism''' - As President, I shall bring a whole lot of transparency to the actions I take, making frequent use of the #whitehouse-announcements in the White House discord to keep the public well informed. In that, I want to be a professional President. This may be a game, but President's of the past have not treated the office with much respect, I can go as far to say that some have abused the office and I can pledge that that shall not happen during my tenure.
* '''A well-advised President''' - Presidents of the past have ruled through tyranny, making decisions without any insight or consultation. As your President, I shall seek majority approval from cabinet in all major decisions that I make. I shall hear all sides of the debate before I make my decision, in order to ensure it benefits the many, not the few.
* '''Server activity''' - Activity has greatly diminished in recent months, and while during President Honda's term the administration was hindered by the actions of staff in preventing events which we believed would bring about high levels of activity, such as war with Lech, I shall still do everything in my power to bring about more activity. Myself and cabinet will make it our objective to brainstorm fresh ideas to increase activity, and I will always be open for public input on any ideas **you** may hav
* '''Transforming the Department of Justice and Vindex Police Department'''  - Throughout my time as a Police Colonel, SWAT Commander, and DEA Agent, I thrived off of determined leadership. Such leadership has deteriorated this year due to a lack of activity in the VPDL, it is time for that to change. If elected President, I shall appoint President Tadakatsu Honda as Attorney General to bring the experienced and determined leadership that the Department of Justice so desperately needs. I understand that the DOJ is at the core of Vindex Nation, so it will be one of my priorities to get it back on track.
* '''Competent Foreign Affairs'''  - The foreign nations on this server play an important role in bringing depth to gameplay, so as President I will be engaging in diplomatic relations with both Lech and Wilden, with the goal of spreading Vinish values both home and abroad. The pursue of democracy and the rule of law are vital in the leadership of a nation, and the nations who share these values will be at the top of my list for cooperation and even alliance. The appointment of Percy A. Fairweather to Secretary of State will demonstrate this commitment.
* '''No tolerance of Corruption'''  - As President, I will only appoint those who I have absolute faith in to perform their duties to the best of their ability in Cabinet. If anyone in my Cabinet commits any form of corruption or abuse of power, I will have no hesitation to seek their removal from office. There will be a no tolerance of corruption policy in all of my departments, and this will be achieved through an executive order to require Department leaders to immediately fire individuals found to be corrupt or abusive. I am open to giving skilled individuals a second chance, but only after they have received sufficient punishment.
* '''Housing and Development'''  - The build team are doing a fantastic job at bringing about new sections of Viridis, and as President I look forward to seeing the release of a new addersfield during my tenure. While this is in the hands of the staff building team, I will do everything I can to encourage the continued development of Viridis, but to a somewhat limited extent as to not overload the nation with too many new properties.
* '''Modernise the Judiciary'''  - The judiciary is a vital part of Vindex Nation and the rule of law. Currently, it can take weeks, sometimes months, for trials to take place in game, making the current system highly inefficient and justice difficult to be served. As President, it will be my goal to implement a system whereby all stages of trials/cases can take place via discord. In game role play will always be encouraged, but understandably it’s difficult to organise a time for all parties to be online at one, which is why I believe this policy will greatly improve our justice system.
==== Government Credit Policy ====
[[File:Barclay Poster.png|thumb|800x800px|Barclay-Stansworth 2022 Final Round Election Voting Poster.]]
This policy idea is still in development and therefore open to improvement. A Government Credit system would be introduced, maintained by the Executive, it would give all government employees (Members of DOJ, DHHS, DOD, etc) a rating depending on how active they are and their performance. This would be beneficial for people applying for leadership positions in their departments, as a higher credit would mean a Department leader looking more favourably upon you - thus incentivising activity and performance. The Government Credit would increase in a number of ways and Department leaders can decide how to implement it with oversight from the President (or whoever they delegate this power to if they choose to). My original ideas would be, but are completely open to change by department leaders/cabinet:
'''DOJ Law Enforcement Officers'''
- Credit increases every 10 legal arrests made.
- Credit increases depending on how active they are (this could be hard to measure, perhaps use of the v!online bot could help with this).
- Credit increases depending on how many bank/gas robberies stopped (could be measured through witness account from VPDL, video evidence, screenshots).
- Credit increases for SS depending on how many times they have protected a government officials (could be reported by witness account of SS Leader/high ranked SS).
'''DOD Personnel'''
- Amount of trainings attended (would be reported by training drill sergeant).
- Performance in trainings (better performance, more credit).
- Amount of kills during battles in war / DOD leadership decide how much credit to award based on how they witnessed a soldier performed/how well they executed their tasks.
- Number of people revived by EMS.
- Number of people revived by Surgeon.
- Number of patients treated/medicine given.
Department leaders would log credit increases on a White House discord channel, the Executive would then review this and adjust someone's credit accordingly. Credit would be stored on the discord. Government Credit Awards Ceremonies could be held with all government department members/leaders invited and where the department with the most credit for that month are announced and ceremoniously congratulated, along with the top three people with the highest gains in credit for that month, as well as the top person with most credit gained in each department. Could be an award in each department for the player with the best performance for that month (eg, for VPD it could be an award for the most arrests, most bank/gas robberies stopped. For DOD it could be the most trainings attended, etc).

== Career as a member of the House of Representatives and Senate (2019-2022) ==
== Career as a member of the House of Representatives and Senate (2019-2022) ==


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