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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Getting all the google docs and PDF files copied. References and Operations will be done later next week ~LSS
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(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Getting all the google docs and PDF files copied. References and Operations will be done later next week ~LSS)
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{{Infobox government agency|title=Vindex Intelligence Agency|formed=2015|headquarters=viahq, [[Westhedge]]|coordinates=502, -1928|chief1_name=[[Barry Burns]]}}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie mattis nibh sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper maximus sodales. Curabitur gravida libero id placerat porta. Sed malesuada imperdiet massa. Aenean non imperdiet elit. Suspendisse nunc quam, luctus vitae tempus eu, rhoncus eu nisl. Pellentesque mollis est sed augue aliquam, at hendrerit diam ultrices. Nullam semper sollicitudin fermentum. Fusce id pellentesque dolor. Curabitur tincidunt mauris id risus bibendum rutrum. In interdum laoreet odio, id mollis tellus bibendum sed. Nunc nec urna ornare, placerat justo vel, scelerisque ligula. Cras a quam fringilla, venenatis leo quis, placerat nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu ligula quis mauris pellentesque mattis non luctus elit. Proin quis nisi purus.
{{Infobox government agency
| agency_name        = Vindex Intelligence Agency
| nativename          = VIA
| nativename_a        =
| nativename_r        =
| logo                = File:VIASeal.png
| logo_width          =
| logo_caption        =
| seal                =
| seal_width          =
| seal_caption        =
| formed             = Dec 18, 2015
| preceding1          =
| preceding2          =
| dissolved          =
| superseding        = Department of State Security Council
| jurisdiction        = Vindex
| headquarters       = Westhedge (viahq)
| coordinates         = 502, -1928 <!-- {{Coord|LAT|LON|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} -->
| motto              = Tertia Optio
| employees          = 5 (known)
| budget              = 5-10 million
| chief1_name         = Barry Burns
| chief1_position    = VIA director
| parent_department  =
| parent_agency      = 
| child1_agency      =
| child2_agency      =
| website            =

Morbi fringilla purus non mi faucibus, sed scelerisque arcu mattis. Morbi leo velit, accumsan sit amet justo nec, sagittis volutpat sapien. Nam eu ipsum et lorem mollis varius. Etiam nec ligula augue. Nullam consectetur tristique arcu quis consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id libero quis urna maximus euismod at quis quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec porttitor condimentum velit, at blandit ipsum semper in. Nunc ultricies accumsan metus, eu euismod urna pulvinar quis. Fusce vehicula, lorem quis auctor iaculis, elit augue tincidunt ligula, vitae aliquam metus magna vel mauris. Curabitur pulvinar blandit laoreet.
The primary Intelligence agency of [[Vindex]] for civilian and foreign intelligence
The Vindex Intelligence Agency's primary objectives are to gather, scrutinize, assess, and distribute both local and foreign intelligence to guide Vindex policymakers and the President in national security matters. Additionally, the agency consults with various government departments in the interest of national security and to help carry out their designated duties. The agency is also tasked with collecting, analyzing, and evaluating internal intelligence to maintain the government's and Vindex Nation's systems' ongoing integrity. Furthermore, the agency is there to inform the President of any potential conflicts of interest or violations of integrity.
==Organizational structure==
*'''President of Vindex Nation''': The POVN is the Chief Executive and has full authority over all actions or operations of the agency.

Donec dapibus consectetur purus, vitae viverra sapien dictum ut. Aenean nec suscipit mi. In malesuada dapibus augue convallis dictum. Sed ac tellus condimentum, cursus augue et, tincidunt dui. Vestibulum porta, mi pretium dignissim tincidunt, quam nunc vulputate eros, quis mollis nisi nunc id diam. Phasellus vitae viverra leo, sed egestas est. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum at congue tellus. Nunc in tempus ante. Aenean at velit commodo, iaculis est non, ultrices est. Curabitur nibh metus, eleifend sit amet iaculis at, dictum at sem.
*'''Director of the Vindex Intelligence Agency''': The VIADIR serves as the head of the agency and has complete control over operations and actions conducted. The Director reports to the President of Vindex Nation.

Pellentesque rutrum, libero a dapibus vulputate, enim elit vestibulum urna, a tempor nisi neque sed dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla lobortis blandit iaculis. Nunc facilisis consectetur lectus, sed vehicula libero placerat eget. Aenean lacus eros, facilisis a tortor eu, tristique hendrerit sem. Cras sit amet massa pulvinar est lobortis ornare. Maecenas vel interdum arcu. Nulla tempor eros nec eros condimentum aliquam. Ut maximus molestie mattis. Pellentesque sed magna diam. Sed elementum a erat in blandit. Suspendisse at lectus sit amet mi tempus vehicula. Curabitur sed dui maximus, dapibus ligula non, varius augue. Nullam non nisl sit amet turpis commodo accumsan. Sed a sem pharetra, egestas nibh a, ultrices neque.
*'''Deputy Director of the Vindex Intelligence Agency''': The DEPVIADIR serves as the secondary overseeing authority of the agency. The Deputy Director fills in where the Director is unable to and has authority over all subordinates. The Deputy Director reports to the Director.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin interdum nisi ut facilisis varius. In a semper turpis. Donec urna justo, vestibulum nec gravida vel, eleifend vitae nisl. Fusce ac turpis ullamcorper eros consequat elementum et ut leo. Donec posuere augue at dignissim luctus. Duis tristique nibh nec dictum consectetur. Integer porttitor, sem vitae hendrerit hendrerit, dolor arcu pulvinar diam, eleifend pretium lectus ex eu lorem. Aenean aliquam mauris id nulla vulputate, nec fermentum magna consectetur. Duis varius ut urna nec imperdiet. Sed id odio magna. Cras nunc nisl, ullamcorper vitae sapien vel, varius ornare tortor.
*'''Executive Assistant Directors''': EADs serve as executives of directorates. They have direct control over all direct subordinates and jointly report to the Director and Deputy Director.

Quisque placerat finibus hendrerit. Etiam nec odio at sapien ullamcorper lobortis vel non nulla. In bibendum lobortis dapibus. Mauris in pharetra arcu. Aliquam sodales auctor eros, sit amet feugiat urna placerat ac. Praesent finibus, dolor eu auctor mattis, urna diam faucibus mauris, vel fermentum urna erat eu felis. Pellentesque ac pharetra tortor. Ut consectetur nibh at magna tristique, in pretium ipsum pretium. Aenean tempor, dui eu eleifend efficitur, sapien nulla varius lacus, in sodales felis mi fringilla metus. Praesent ornare semper mauris nec facilisis. Vestibulum blandit turpis lacus. Aenean a luctus lorem. Duis efficitur orci sit amet accumsan tempus. Proin ante tellus, dapibus non iaculis id, tincidunt vel magna.
*'''Supervisory Special Agents''': SSAs serve as supervisors of agency departments included under directorates. They have direct control over subordinates in their department and report to their respective Executive Assistant Director.

Donec sed mauris at tellus ullamcorper tristique. Curabitur quis elit et nisl posuere rutrum. Sed ac viverra mi. Aliquam non magna vel metus tempus viverra. In eu interdum neque. Nullam sed semper dui, ac tempus orci. Donec sed felis eu diam posuere pharetra quis in nisi. Sed lorem sapien, congue id ligula in, scelerisque vulputate tortor. Sed vehicula dolor ex, bibendum ultricies augue tempus nec. Maecenas mollis massa vitae mi tincidunt fringilla. Aenean non erat venenatis, viverra leo in, scelerisque leo.
*'''Special Agents''': SAs serve as the primary workforce of the agency. They are assigned to departments as specialists and generally report to a Supervisory Special Agent or Executive Assistant Director.

Nullam non congue erat, eu viverra augue. Maecenas porttitor ultricies libero, nec tincidunt dolor bibendum ultrices. Maecenas tempor nisi at lectus euismod accumsan nec sed arcu. Donec tristique laoreet ex. Aenean a turpis suscipit, venenatis neque ac, faucibus tellus. Ut rhoncus euismod ipsum a posuere. Aenean efficitur dictum maximus. Pellentesque malesuada dui ut pharetra consequat. In magna lectus, maximus sed ante ac, tristique convallis ex. Sed mollis molestie rutrum. Nullam auctor ex nec dapibus malesuada. Sed eleifend vestibulum leo, in tristique erat. Donec rhoncus porttitor odio et pretium. Maecenas diam urna, porttitor id turpis sit amet, commodo posuere tortor.
*'''Probationary Agents''': PAs include persons who have recently been hired into the agency and are in Phase Four of the hiring process. They are not permitted to conduct standard duties or operations when not in the presence of a Special Agent or higher without specific approval from an Executive Assistant Director or higher.

Quisque ante urna, iaculis non quam non, consequat sodales nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Integer vel tincidunt elit. Nam ut sagittis elit. Integer gravida a dui eu dapibus. Suspendisse in metus sed nisl fringilla placerat. Aliquam et sapien vehicula, venenatis metus sit amet, ultricies ipsum. Quisque nec blandit sem, eu egestas quam. Suspendisse sollicitudin varius diam quis interdum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras laoreet est urna, eu bibendum ante aliquet quis.
==Employment Policies==
The following section outlines the requirements and selection process for employment within the Vindex Intelligence Agency (VIA).

Sed turpis nisl, dapibus at leo sit amet, euismod sodales justo. Maecenas nec erat semper, vestibulum diam nec, condimentum ante. Donec eget porttitor lectus. Nullam mattis gravida mi sed pulvinar. Nunc tempus interdum est, lobortis tristique lacus tempus a. Aenean facilisis, risus ut tincidunt accumsan, elit elit finibus ante, eget faucibus ligula purus sed nisl. Phasellus elementum accumsan ultricies. Donec faucibus viverra est sed viverra. Fusce vel porta ligula, eu porta massa. Sed condimentum felis vel sagittis efficitur. Vestibulum viverra diam sed placerat lacinia. Proin ultricies, massa sed consequat luctus, erat erat bibendum sem, vitae volutpat magna diam et mi. Cras in purus nec sapien elementum tincidunt nec non neque. Donec arcu eros, tincidunt eu mi et, tincidunt facilisis diam. Vestibulum scelerisque malesuada eros sed aliquam.
Mandatory Requirements: Prior to employment consideration, the following requirements must be satisfied by candidates:
*'''Candidates must have no criminal record within the previous 90-day period.'''
*'''Candidates must not have committed terrorism within the previous six-month period.'''
*'''Candidates must have no history of illegal drug usage within the previous 60-day period.'''
*'''Candidates must not have been discharged from a government office or agency within the previous 60-day period.'''
*'''Candidates must not be listed on any government-administered criminal watch list.'''
*'''Candidates must have been a citizen of Vindex Nation for at least 180 consecutive days.'''
*'''Candidates must not have served within the Rebellion or Pirates at any time within the previous 90 day period.'''
*'''Candidates must have a history of employment with the Department of Justice or Department of Defense.'''
*The President or Director may waive any of these requirements at any moment.
==Selection Process==
To successfully carry out the employment of a new agent, the following protocols must occur:
*'''Candidate Selection''': A person is first selected as a candidate. This means that they have satisfied all mandatory requirements, went through a one week observation period, and have been selected by the Office of Talent Acquisition.
*'''Evaluation''': The candidate is evaluated and tested on their skills in the field by the Office of Talent Acquisition. The Office of Talent Acquisition should then decide if the candidate has received appropriate scores to move on to the next phase.
*'''Interview''': The candidate goes through an interview, conducted by the Director, Deputy Director, and OTA Executive. A vote is then conducted to determine if the candidate should move on to the next phase.
*'''Probationary Employment Period and Basic Training''': The candidate has been employed as a Probationary Agent and will go through training, carried out by the Office of Talent Acquisition. Once their training is completed, a vote shall take place between the Director, Deputy Director, and OTA Executive, to determine if they are ready for the final phase.
*'''Full Employment Status''': When the Probationary Agent completes training and receives a majority approval from the required persons, they will receive the status of Special Agent. If they fail to receive a majority, they will be put through Step 4 once more. Failure after this will result in termination of employment.
==Detainment Policies==
Before a subject is detained, the detainment must be approved by a Supervisory Special Agent or above, and at least one of the following criteria must be satisfied:
*The subject has committed, or is conspiring to commit an act of extreme violence or terrorism.
*The subject is suspected of committing an act of extreme violence or terrorism.
*The subject has valuable intelligence that can only be obtained through detainment.
*The subject is preparing to commit, or has committed an act of treason.
*The detainment has received special approval from the President, Director, or Deputy Director.
During the detention of a subject all contact with the subject must be directly related to the reason for their detention. If the subject tries to initiate conversation, it should be ignored unless it relates to the reason for their detention.
The subject cannot be detained for more than 30 minutes unless special approval is given by the President, Director, or Deputy Director. If the detention period is longer than 30 minutes, it must be conducted at the Westhedge Facility.
All conversations with the subject must be conducted using strictly professional language.
The subject cannot be left alone at any time, unless approved by the President, Director, or Deputy Director for detentions that exceed 30 minutes (Server rules now prohibit detention longer than 30 minutes).
if the crime they are responding to standard crime is not within the VIA's jurisdiction, and thenceforth prohibited. The VIA are not allowed to interfere with crimes taking place, unless special exemptions have been granted by the President, Director, or Deputy Director. If a detained subject was arrested for committing a crime immediately prior to their detainment it is then likely they will be arrested once the [[Department of Justice]] is called to handle the subject.
==Black Sites==
'''Westhedge Blacksite:'''
*Located underneath the VIA HQ
*Coordinates: 000,000
*The Westhedge Blacksite is only to be used under the direction of the Director or Deputy Director.
Access to the Westhedge Blacksite is only observed through the main custody center at the Westhedge Facility. Access through the aquatic entrance has ceased being used due to a known server glitch that may cause a loss of criminals being transfered.
'''Seawall Blacksite''':
*Located at Seewall
*Coordinates: 000,000
*The Seawall Blacksite has only be used in case of a significant threat at the main Westhedge Facility.
'''San Amaro Blacksite:'''
*Located in the mountains of San Amaro
*Coordinates: 000,000
*The San Amaro Blacksite is the primary site for detainments in the state and server of San Amaro.
==Undercover Operations Procedures==
The following are the procedures that VIA agents follow when going undercover
*Communications. No discussion is permitted in the global chat for agents going undercover. Local chat may only be used with an identity-independent prefix (/via [message]).
*Logging Out. Before disconnecting, undercover mode is disabled to prevent a known server glitch (Patched).
*Enabling or Disabling Undercover Tools. The undercover mode are not be enabled or disabled in the eyes of the public. Before the usage of undercover tools (/via on) can be used; agents must consider first if:
1.Presence of an agent on-scene presents a significant safety issue.
2.Civil legislation must be violated in good faith in the line of duty.The usage must then require approval from the President, Director, or Deputy Director.
3.The identity of a agent may significantly impact the quality of information extracted from a subject or location.
4.An interrogation is being conducted at an official Vindex Intelligence Agency (VIA) facility.
5.A raid on a property directly related to an active mission is being executed, requiring the usage of undercover tools.
*Vehicles. The agency-provided Fleetline and the Police Helicopter are the only vehicles that may be used while undercover.
Two types of warrants are typically used when conducting searches
Standard Warrants are warrants that are requested for non-clandestine property raids or spontaneous apprehensions. It is required that these warrants should contain valid reasoning and be requested through the physical warrant request process. If a warrant grantor outside of the agency rejects a standard warrant request, it should not be contested, and agency leadership should review it when they are online.
Special Warrants, which are approved by the Director or Deputy Director, are not recorded by the Department of Justice or by the Vindex Court system. These warrants are typically executed when no warrant grantors outside of agency leadership are available. or if:
*'''A property search is necessary to obtain valuable evidence for an ongoing investigation'''.
*'''Active reconnaissance or intelligence operations are being performed in a foreign nation'''.
*'''A government building or facility search is required for an ongoing investigation or operation'''.
*'''A warrant that would violate civil legislation in good faith is necessary. This is only been approved by the President or the Director.'''
== References ==
== External links ==


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