Liberal Party

Revision as of 10:06, 22 April 2023 by 1MouseGamer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "right|frameless|500x500px The Liberal Party is a progressive and centrist political party based in Vindex Nation. It's members have served as members of Congress and even the President and Vice President of Vindex Nation. The Party is one of the oldest and in summary it claims to stand for "Transparency, Professionalism, Pragmatism and Well-Advised Leadership that does not act through tyranny". It is led by Michael Barclay|Michael J. Bar...")
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Liberal Party Logo.png

The Liberal Party is a progressive and centrist political party based in Vindex Nation. It's members have served as members of Congress and even the President and Vice President of Vindex Nation. The Party is one of the oldest and in summary it claims to stand for "Transparency, Professionalism, Pragmatism and Well-Advised Leadership that does not act through tyranny". It is led by Michael J. Barclay. There are currently 62 members[1] of the Liberal Party. The Party slogan is "Forward Together".



The Liberal Party was founded by Michael J. Barclay on the 18th December 2020.

The Party's founding members include the following:

  • Michael J. Barclay (1MouseGamer).
  • Logan A. Morgan (TheYoungNerd).
  • William H. Porter (FracturedGhast7).
  • Walker Woods (Viggoth).
  • Ted Hastings (MrPerson059).

First Endorsements

The Party has recieved many public endorsements in it's nearly three year history, here are some of its first endorsements it ever recieved in December 2020:

  • Former President of Vindex Nation - _EchoPlayz__
  • Former President of Vindex Nation - MartainDABeast
  • Former Governor of Viridis - FracturedGhast7
  • Former White House Cabinet - Apetox
  • Former White House Cabinet - JonDaVeryBest
  • Former White House Cabinet - Sharpie__
  • Former White House Cabinet - AmaidoGoodman[2]


Core Values of the Liberal Party

The following are the self proclaimed values of the Liberal Party:

"Cooperation We believe in working together in order to achieve a common goal which will benefit the whole of Vindex Nation. The Liberal Party does not support the idea of toxic opposition, rather we see opposition as an opportunity to come to an agreement which helps represent the views of each and every citizen in our great nation.

Progression Our party will always support propositions which help Vindex positively progress both economically and socially. We support new ideas that have the people's best interest at heart, no matter where it is on the political spectrum.

Stability Us Liberals are in favour of a stable nation, with progressive change but not to the extent that disturbs the nature of society. The Liberal Party is here to stay, as a platform to present the people Representatives with clear goals and views which will always be in line with our common values.

Pragmatism The Liberal Party has a pragmatic stance on political issues, considering all possible solutions and always choosing the most suitable option that most benefits the majority of Vinish citizens.

Democracy Vindex Nation's form of government is fully supported by The Liberal Party. We shall focus our ambition on the legislative branch by providing candidates for the House of Representatives.

Foreign Diplomacy The Liberal Party believes in maintaining peaceful diplomatic relations with all nations of the world, cooperating peacefully and effectively in order to achieve the best livelihood for both our citizens and citizens abroad. However, we as a party will support the neutralisation of any foreign power with harmful intent on Vinish citizens, or citizens of our allies. We believe that international organisations such as the United Nations can aid in the reduction of unnecessary conflict.

Economic Policy The Liberal Party promotes the continued maintenance of low taxes. We have a clear stance on economic freedom, believing in minimally regulating businesses but still keeping them fair for consumers. This can be achieved through the enforcement of anti-scamming legislation, no false advertisement and no discrimination against employees. We are in strong support of a capitalist economy, strengthening it wherever and whenever possible.[3]"


Unlike other political parties, the Liberal Party allows it's Congressional members to vote whichever way they wish on any law they like without punishment. Historically the party did have a whipping system that would require Liberal politicians to vote a certain way on important bills, but this has since been abolished in favour of a complete free choice stance. The Party still does adopt official stances and recomendations on bills.


Headquarters 2020-2021

Upon its founding, the Liberal Party headquarters was located at Coffe, Seawall (Viridis). This remained its headquarters until the property was traded for mmansion1 on the 1st February 2021.

Head Quarters of the Liberal Party at Coffe, Downtown (Viridis).
Inside the Head Quarters of the Liberal Party at Coffe, Downtown (Viridis).

Current Headquarters

The current Headquarters has been located in Mall since 2021 and is waiting to be updated.

Liberal Party Headquarters in Downtown Mall (Viridis).
  1. #role-assignment on the Liberal Party discord
  2. #about-us in the Liberal Party discord
  3. #values in the Liberal Party discord