Rome, officially the Principality of Rome is a colony of the Empire of Lech. It shares a land border with the Empire of Lech and is the only colony that does such. The colonies' capital is Rome, and it includes the Vatican City as a part of its territory.


Rome comes from the Italian capital of Rome, and was chosen due to it's proximity to the Vatican City.


Prince Regnant Romanov

Nicholas Romanov II being handed the Roman Crown in order to crown himself as the Prince of Rome.
Nicholas Romanov II after coronating himself at St. Peters Basilica.

Nicholas Romanov II was the successor to the Roman throne after the abdication of Prince Sobieski. Nicholas Romanov II had been a member of Holy See since the creation of Malta, and worked in Rome since the return of Maximilian Sobieski. Nicholas Romanov II held a coronation ceremony for himself as a form of protest against the Lech government, who had recently turned Rome into a puppet state. Rome was almost granted independence by King Squid of Lech until Vindex Nation intervened and prevented Rome from becoming a nation once again. Soon after this, Prince Romanov II was forced to abdicate from the throne, and Prince Carlo took his place.

History Summed Up

Rome is a nation born out of Catholicism. Rome started out as the Holy See, a nation first led by Pope Dominic (GameChanger). When Pope Dominic left his position as Pope, Pope Pius XVI (Srodins) was his successor. Under Pope Pius XVI, much progress was made to the city of Rome. Rome went from only being St Peter's Basilica, to a small city including embassies, stores, and homes. The Holy See was allowed a small police/military force of the Pontifical Guards, a group of individuals that helped to defend the Holy See and the city of Rome. After the election of President Akain, a small rebel group formed to challenge his government. This rebel group, known as Vindex in Exile, moved to San Amaro to begin constructing a nation by hand they saw as better than Vindex. These rebels were approached by Pope Pius XIV, and told they could join the Holy See, with their island becoming the island of Malta on April 13th, 2020. The Holy See took on a new name with the introduction of the island, soon becoming the Papal States. The Papal States flourished more with a larger population in both Rome and Malta, and soon Malta became a beautiful city built from the blood, sweat, and tears of a few Romans. Pope Pius XVI abdicated the throne on the 23rd of June, 2020, and handed all of his power to Nicholas Romanov II (NicholasRomanov), the new Consul of Rome. The new pope however, was Pope Leo XIV (Gabriel_DNG) and acted as a figurehead for the Papal States, with ceremonial powers only. Under Consul Nicholas Romanov II, the navy of the Papal States expanded, and even more work was done to Malta such as the construction of a new military base. Consul Nicholas Romanov was exiled by the Imperial Government of Vindex as well as Cardinal O’Sullivan (ShakespeareDano), and the Holy See fell into darkness with little active leadership. Pope Pius XVI heard of the events of the Holy See falling, and returned to transform the stumbling nation into a proper power. Pope Pius XVI got Consul Nicholas Romanov II and Cardinal O’Sullivans exile lifted, and contacted the Emperor of Vindex asking to transform the Holy See into the Principality of Rome. Under the Principality of Rome, Pope Pius XVI became Prince Regnant Maximilian, and Consul Nicholas Romanov became the nation's first Premier. The City of Rome was transformed yet again, with all of the old buildings in the main square being demolished and replaced. Rome prospered as a nation for a short period, until Prince Regent Maximilian abdicated the throne and Premier Romanov was exiled by the Imperial Government yet again. While Premier Romanov was exiled, Prince Alphonso (P_Escobar) was crowned as the new Prince Regnant, and the Premier position was left unfilled.